Current positions :
2021-today: UCLouvain — Assistant Professor (full-time, tenure-track)
- Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication (ESPO)> Ecole de Communication (COMU)
- Institut de Recherche Langage et Communication (IL&C) > Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs (GReMS)
Past positions:
2016-2021: UCLouvain — Visiting Assistant Professor (18% FTE)
- LSTIC2000 Médias, information et connaissances (titulaire, 22h,5),
- LCOMU2663 Effets éducatifs des médias (co-titulaire, 15h),
- LCOMU2603-08 Séminaire de recherche en technologies cognitives 1 et 2 (co-titulaire, 15h).
2018-2021: UNamur
- Postdoctoral Researcher (30% FTE), International Relations Manager, Research Center in Information, Law and Society (CRIDS) -
- Visiting Assistant Professor (35% FTE), Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Business Administration
- EPICB142 Communication et culture médiatique (2017-2021, suppléant, 30h)
- EINCB360 Sémiotique (2019-2020, suppléant, 30h)
- EPOLB214 Critique des sources de l’information (2017-2018, suppléant, 15h)
- EPICB131 Décrypter la communication politique, EIMIB114 Projet : diagnostic sectoriel et EITGB116 Projet : diagnostic sectoriel. Dans le cadre de l’unité intégrée de bloc 1, cours sur les méthodes et outils de la collaboration (2019-2021, titulaire, 15h).
- Responsable Académique du Master en Architecture Transmédia (2020-2021, suppléance)
- UE1 Communication et transmédia (2019-2021, titulaire, 20h)
- UE5 Veille prospective et dirigée (2020-2021, titulaire, 20h)
- UE9 Accompagnement scientifique de projet (2019-2021, titulaire, 10h)
- UE13 Projet de recherche (2019-2021, titulaire, 10h)
- 2016-2019: UNamur — Postdoctoral Researcher (75% FTE) on the LITME@WORK Project: Digital and media literacy in teamwork and distance work environments (BrainBE – BELSPO)
- 2012-2016: UCLouvain — F.R.S-FNRS Research Fellow (100% FTE).
- 2016: PhD in Information and Communication – UCLouvain. Dissertation title: A Model of Personal Information Management Competences required to Organize Digital Information.
- 2012: Master’s Degree in Information and Communication — UCLouvain.
Career Highlights:
- 2017: Research residency (3 months) at Université de Montréal (UDEM). Collaboration with Pr. Sabine Mas and Pr. Dominique Maurel on the topic of personal information management competences of faculty members.
- 2018-2021: Coordinator of the In the Shoes of an Algorithm project in collaboration with Pr. Anne-Sophie Collard and Jérémy Grosman (UNamur); with Pr. Hyeon-Seon, Pr. Kyeong Hur (South-Korea, Gyeongin National University of Education), Dr. Amie Kim (S-K, Gyeonggi Institute of Education), Dr. Yeon Ju Oh (S-K, National Information Agency)and with Action Médias Jeunes ASBL (Namur, BE).
- President (until 2020) and now member of the management board of Action Médias Jeunes :
Selected affiliations and expertise:
- Affiliate member of the Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs (GReMS) and of the Institut Langage et Communication (IL&C) of UCLouvain.
- Member of the Research Centre in Information, Law and Society (CRIDS) and of the Namur Digital Institute (NADI).
- Member of the Research Chair on Digital Education of the UNamur.