You can also fin my scientific publications on ResearchGate and Google Scholar.

Collective Book

Jacques, J., & Collard, A.-S. (Éds.). (2019). Digital Media Literacy in Teamwork and Distance Work : Competences, Discourse and Organizational Design. Presses Universitaires de Namur, Namur, 239 p.

Book Chapters

Grosman, J., Jacques, J., & Collard, A.-S. (2022). “The Beatles with the Lower Score, it Breaks my Heart" : Framing a Media Education Response to Datafication and Algorithmic Recommendations in Digital Media  Infrastructures. In L. Pangrazio & J. Sefton-Green (Éds.), Learning to Live with Datafication : Educational Case Studies and Initiatives from Around the World (Routledge).

Fastrez, P., Jacques, J., & Ligurgo, V. (2022). Defining and Analyzing Media Literacy starting with the Observation of Media Practices : Qualitative Approaches. In N. Landry & P. Fastrez (Éds.), Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods : A Handbook (Routledge). Accepted for publication.

Jacques, J. (2020). Vers une affectivité distribuée : Les collections d’informations personnelles numériques comme support de la nostalgie. In E. Fantin, S. Fevry, & K. Niemeyer (Éds.), Nostalgies contemporaines. Médias, cultures et technologies (Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, p. 330).

Collard, A.-S., Jacques, J., & Zienkowski, J. (2019). Scope and Objectivess of the LITME@WORK Research Project. In J. Jacques & A.-S. Collard (Éds.), Digital Media Literacy in Teamwork and Distance Work : Competences, Discourse and Organizational Design (p. 3-12). Namur.

Ligurgo, V., Fastrez, P., Jacques, J., Collard, A.-S., & Philippette, T. (2019). A Definition of Digital Media Literacy Competences Required by Workers to Collaborate in Distance Work Environments. In J. Jacques & A.-S. Collard (Éds.), Digital Media Literacy in Teamwork and Distance Work : Competences, Discourse and Organizational Design (p. 13‑68). Namur.

Jacques, J., Zienkowski, J., Philippette, T., Ramioul, M., Patriarche, G., & Collard, A.-S. (2019). Digital Media Literacy in Collaborative and Distance Work : Building Bridges to Key Organizational DImensions and Challenges. In J. Jacques & A.-S. Collard (Éds.), Digital Media Literacy in Teamwork and Distance Work : Competences, Discourse and Organizational Design (p. 187-211). Namur.

Collard, A.-S., Patriarche, G., Zienkowski, J., Ramioul, M., Jacques, J., & Fastrez, P. (2019). How can Digital Media Literacy be Further Integrated in Team and Distance Work Structures and Practices in Order to Support Effective, Stimulating and Meaningful Ways of Working ?. In J. Jacques & A.-S. Collard (Éds.), Digital Media Literacy in Teamwork and Distance Work : Competences, Discourse and Organizational Design (p. 213‑220). Namur.

Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

Jacques, J., Mas, S., & Maurel, D. (2020). Organizing personal digital information : An analysis of faculty member activities. Journal of Documentation, 77(2), 401-419.

Jacques, J., Grosman, J., Collard, A.-S., Oh, Y., Kim, A., & Jeong, H.-S. (2020). “In the Shoes of an Algorithm” : A Media Education Game to Address Issues Related to Recommendation Algorithms. The Journal of Education, 3(1), 37‑62.

Jacques, J., & Fastrez, P. (2018). Pour une approche compétentielle, matricielle et ancrée des littératies. Education Comparée, 19, 209‑233.

Jacques, J., Fastrez, P., De Smedt, T. (2013). Organizing media as social objects. An exploratory assessment of a core media literacy competence. In: Media Education Research Journal, 4(1).

Journal Article (non-peer reviewed)

Mizukoshi, S., Jacques, J., Verbesselt, M., Ahn, K., Oh, C. G., & Jeong, H.-S. (2021). Social Networks for the Next Media Literacy. Journal of Information Studies, 101, 37.

PhD Thesis

Jacques, J. (2016). Définition des compétences propres à l’organisation des collections d’informations personnelles numériques [Université catholique de Louvain].